Friday, March 15, 2019


TinyCards is a program that works in tandem with Duolingo, a program dedicated to teaching people foreign languages.  For all intents and purposes, it is the lovechild of Duolingo and Quizlet.  When people sign up for TinyCards, all of the classes they take with Duolingo will be imported into their TinyCards account.  From there, TinyCard creates flashcards using vocabulary from each level of Duolingo.

Though TinyCards is often marketed simply as an extension of Duolingo, there is even more to it than that.  The website allows you to create your own flashcard sets (on any topic, not just a foreign language) and share them with others.  This is extremely beneficial for students because flashcards often help reinforce lessons that students are taking.

The program is completely free and comes in the form of an app and a website.

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