Monday, March 11, 2019

Sand and Water Play

Why is sand and water play important in the child care world?

Coming from a teacher’s point of view I know how messy the water and sand table can be, but did you know how many skills children learn from just 'playing' in the sand and water table?

When working with the sand and water the children are learning many different science concepts and terminology. Exploring the water is teaching the children about sinking, floating, changes of state. Being able to master the skills of pouring, the skills they are learning through water play can potentially teach them how to pour their own milk at the lunch table. Mathematic skills are also being taught while working with sand and water. Having the children practice measurements, terms such as less, bigger, smaller, more ect. These concepts work for the sand as well, another science skill they could be learning is cause and effect. What happens when we poor sand in the water, or water in the sand. This opens a lot of conversation with the teacher and child.

Physical development is a concept that is learned through water and sand play when the children are working with the sand and water, they are practicing hand-eye coordination, they are also using their fine motor skills to scoop the sand, put it in a funnel and pour. Another skill they are mastering when working in this area is social and emotional skills, playing side by side with other peers helps them build their cooperative play and sharing skills. For example, being able to work together and fill the entire bucket up with water and dumping it out together. Playing with the sand and water is also a calming skill, the children are really concentrating when they are dumping and pouring. This play can be very messy, but the children and learning so many small life skills with just ‘playing’ with the sand and water.
The child’s development is the most important and when working with the sand and water table they are master tons of skills that can help them succeed in little tasks, making them more independent. Think of all the things you could add into the water or sand to make their learning more fun and helping them master even more skills.

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