Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Can't make it to the zoo? NO Problem!

Image result for zookazam logo ZooKazam is an augmented reality (AR) app that allows teachers to bring the zoo into the classroom! The app features more than 40 different animals and even dinosaurs that are all sorted so one's favorite easier to find. With categories such as Birds, Fish, Mammals, Dinosaurs, Bugs, Reptiles, and more, students can quickly locate what they're looking for; or it can help them learn the classification for future use. With picture quality imaging students can see physical details about that animals that they can't see through glass at the zoo.

Not only does ZooKazam provide a visual of the animal students are able to experience views of animals with different visual effects and weather conditions, such as it being rainy, sunny, or snowy. Visual statistics about each animal are provided to give the students info about the animal's diet and habitat, how big they grow, how many there are and even if they're endangered. An in-app narratior is even available to enhance the learning process. Conveniently the app has built in camera and video capabilities allowing multimedia to be easily exported onto any device. 

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