Thursday, March 14, 2019


Everyone in the world knows what crayola is. They create crayons, markers, pens, and basically any type of craft tools you can think of. But is not only a way to look at their products but it is also a way that teachers can receive help on grants, tips and tricks on crafts, and much much more. 

When going onto the site they display four tabs including; products, coloring & crafts, education, and customize. Products is where you can find everything that crayola creates and purchase them for your class. Coloring and crafts gives teachers an opportunity to find DIY projects for their class that are creative and unique. Customize is a tab where you can go and customize crayola's products by putting "happy birthday" or "congratulations" on them. Lastly, and what I personally I think is the most important tab is education. In this tab you can find creatED professional development, lesson plans, creatED products, creatED family engagement, teaching and learning resources, and creative learning communities. All of these can allow teachers to explore new ways of teaching and really learn how to engage their students in a new inventive way. 

But there is one other tab that is extremely important and that is the educator tab. This allows teachers  to access more things on professional development, lesson plans, resources and grants, supporting research, and things about communities. The professional development is crayola's way of giving professional services to the teacher. Secondly, the lesson plans do not only involve art, they have every subject available to anyone, allowing for creativity everywhere. Third, the resources and grants is probably the coolest tab on there. This allows for teachers to see what grants crayola has to offer, so they can receive cool things for their class. Lastly, the supporting research and information on their  communities just gives insight on how crayola is actually making a difference, and how it can make a difference in your class. 

Teachers I feel probably do not even know that some of these resources that crayola is providing are out there. Teachers are able to look at lesson plans regarding any topic and receive grants to help bring art into the classroom. This website is not just a site to buy crayola's products off of, it can really help a teacher who wants to experiment in their classroom and bring children's ideas to life. 


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