Sunday, December 6, 2015

What I Say to Non-Education Majors

 “Don’t you take classes like how to add 1+1? That’s so easy I wish my classes were that easy” “I heard education majors have it easy. That’s the easiest degree”
Shall I go on? These are comments the as an education majors I hear in college on a daily. Little do the people assuming know that like them, I struggle in the more difficult classes.  Learning how to be an effective teacher is hard because as an educator it is essential to keep in mind about a thousand things at once and at the same time make sure every child is taken care of. In college we learn how to control a classroom, how to implement group projects, how to detect a problem in a child’s learning abilities and so much more. Teachers in their classrooms become whatever role your students need from you. The article "Top 8 Reasons Why Non-Teachers Can Never Really Understand Our Job" says, you might have to be the nurse, the mother, the therapist and the teacher. Doing this is not only is it physically demanding for teachers on the daily, but it is emotionally tiring. I will give it to the people talking calculus 3 that they will have to do a lot more thinking and those taking coding classes might have a lot more memorization to do. But as a teacher we will be doing more multitasking, more emotional therapy and more unpaid work than any other job out here.

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