Saturday, December 5, 2015

The Newer the Better...or is it?

Here is something that you would never expect… there is another big change in the education system! That was a joke, laugh. According to The New York Times, there is a new and improved SAT that has come out. Just a couple years ago the government declared that high school students were now to take the SAT instead of the ACT. There is now news of a brand new SAT that they claim will help the students succeed. But as the article “Everything You Need to Know About the New SAT” says, it only benefits the students that come from affluent backgrounds who have teachers that will prepare them. In this new SAT there will be a lot of reading throughout the test (even on the math section, there was will be a lot of story problems). There is also only going to be two sections, Math and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing. All in all this new SAT will judge students on their long term skills. This test wouldn’t be like the ACT in the sense that you can practice exams and be prepared. Students will have to read more and become more knowledgeable of words and their derivatives.

Though these changes seem to be for the better it is still a huge step in another direction. I don’t know about anyone else but I am tired of the government changing their minds about the education system. It is bad enough that America has the 14th  in the best education system in the world according to MBC Times. If we were to stop changing our minds about what we want to see from our children, I firmly believe that they would do better in schools across America. We need to pick a method and stick to it. It is also unfair for students to be judged based on what their quality of education is like. In less affluent neighborhoods, teachers don’t always have the resources to teach their students as they should. So these students will not only be bunked down skill wise compared to their counter parts in better schools, but they will also perform poorly on the SAT because they don’t have a firm foundation to help them prepare for this exam. If the government is serious about this new SAT, I hope they have resources that will even the playing field for all students to have a chance to succeed.

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