Monday, December 7, 2015

Virtual Field Trips

Today virtual field trips have become all the rave. Being able to have your students experience the world outside of the classroom without having to leave the building has become a selling point for many teaches, myself included. I started to research vertical field trips and found it surprisingly hard to find a site that will allow for a teachers to have the experience of the virtual field trip and it be free. For example, I found a really great site that would allow me to take my students into the war times. To my surprise this field tip would cost a total of 100 dollars. In my mind I figure that it would be cheaper to go on a physical field trip and get a better experience. I then came across a google powered site that had many different art pieces from various museums and a few music halls. Though this isn’t a tour of the wars in America, there are museums that hold a lot of history and a lot of information. This site is also completely free so there is no need to sorry about how much it will cost you. The site is called Art Project and it is an amazing site for any teacher or parent/guardian to use. When looking at art, you are able to zoom into the art work and see the details of the work. If ever a teacher wants to give their students a cultural experience, I strongly recommend this site to be the place to go. 

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