Thursday, December 10, 2015

How much is too much technology?

    In a previous blog I wrote about the advantages of technology in elementary schools.  In this blog I am going to talk about too much technology.
    My thoughts haven’t changed about the importance of technology in elementary schools, I still believe it is very important for children.  However, I also believe that as some point children, and even adults, need tech free time.
   With technology being ever so popular; computer use, iPad, iPhone, and android devices in classrooms and at home, researchers have suggested that over time “this can cause fatigue that diminishes out ability to learn and remember information” (Too Much Technology, 2010).  A study done by the University of Michigan showed that people “performed better on learning tests after taking a walk in a natural landscape rather that a stimuli-filled urban environment” (Too Much Technology, 2010), so instead of using technology to see a landscape, people should go out and experience the real thing.
    I am not say that while children are in school 6 – 8 hours a day they are continually exposed to technology, however, I believe that educators should take into account the amount of time children may be exposed to technology outside of school.  This I believe is also true for parents, give your children a book to read instead of having a program read it for them and let them play outside instead of on video games.    As the website stated, “Just as social networking sites don’t replace the need for real-life friends, entertainment provided by electronic devices do not fulfill our need for authentic relaxation” (Too Much Technology, 2010).
    I am by no means saying that technology is bad for children and they shouldn’t have access to it, I am simply saying to remember to give them a break sometime.

Too Much Technology. (2010, November 11). Retrieved from Study Web site:

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