Thursday, December 10, 2015

Dress Codes and Sexism

          I read an article called "The Sexism of School Dress Codes" where they talk about the fact dress codes are geared toward females and LGBTQ students. In the article one makes a documentary that interviews her friends and peers about eh dress code that is established in her school. This student said that at one point the administrators said that the dress code was to make sure the male students wouldn't get distracted. This was a crazy concept to grasp. The fact that female students are being critiqued on their clothing items because the school is considered about what the male students will think. In another student's school, female students would get called out in front of the class by teachers. Females students would get kicked out of the classroom and sent home to find a more "appropriate outfit." This baffled me because as the article suggested the teachers and administration cares more about the way the female students look than if they are actually learning anything.
          Another incident happened to a student that openly addressed himself as gay. During spirit week he decided to dress up as a house wife complete with a dress and heels. Many classmates and teachers were okay with his decision to dress as such, but one school official thought that it was not appropriate for a male to wear female clothing. This is sad to hear because in 2015 you would think that school officials would understand the different viewpoints of people. If you do not agree with the student's lifestyle that is  one thing, but if the student is following dress code, the student would have the right to express themselves whatever way they deem right.
         I believe that having a dress code is essential in any school, but making sure that every student is being treated the same is also important. Accepting students for the way they are is also important is making sure that it is fair for all students.

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