Friday, December 11, 2015

The Role of Educators Will Be Changed

<The Role of Educators Will Be Changed>
Teacher lectures at a set time.
World renowned expert lectures anytime / anywhere.
Assignments take days or weeks to grade.
Students get instant feedback.
Teachers teach students the same lessons.
Instruction is differentiated based on level.
Students consume books.
Students interact with reading material.
Student’s connect with peers based on the geography they were born into.
Students can create personal learning networks allowing them to interact with the world.
This is the difference between traditional learning and learning with technology. Previously, teachers had to do almost everything for students. They needed to correct assignments, prepare classes, answer students’ questions and so forth. But now it has changed. The main task that teachers need to figure out is to guide students to learn. Students can find whatever they want online, so they can learn anything in their mobile devices. We also need to acknowledge that each student has their own personality and characteristics. It will be a bad idea for teachers to teach everyone with the same method,  with the same class direction. As a result, guiding students to study is a better solution because we have both online resources and teachers. Combining these two together can enhance students’ learning experience. They can learn what they want to learn because they have their passions to understand what they are learning.
Feedback is also important for teachers to knowledge the processes of each students and then suggest students to do further study. When students study online, teachers need to track the status of students to make sure that everyone is learning. Online assignments and evaluations are important for teachers when teaching students. If they usually cannot figure out those issues, we need to reach the solution of teaching students both online and in class. Just like the “flipped classroom”, we can have students take tests at school and prepare and study at home.
Educators need to follow the trend of this world and then use the contemporary tools to enhance students’ learning activity, despite facing some risks and disadvantages when using contemporary technologies. But what we need to do is to eliminate these side effects and to embrace these new ways.

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