Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Adherents of the Repeated Meme

Internet memes are a pretty controversial subject among my friend group. Some of them love the things. Some find them tiresome and repetitive, which kind of goes with the territory of, well… repeating the same basic concept over and over and over again. But whether you like them or not, internet memes seem to be here to stay. So why not make use of them in education.

I think a fun activity would be to have students create memes about educational topics. This would require them to do a bit of research. In order to make meme that is actually clever and funny they would need to know a reasonable amount about their subject. Some of the funniest memes I’ve seen have been about historical figures.

Sites like and show that there is a demand for these sorts of things. While the site I just mentioned isn’t appropriate for school children (the F word was right on the front page when I last checked), memes are easy to make. Free picture editing software like Paint.Net is readily available. Even the modern versions of Microsoft Paint are effective for placing words on pictures. 

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