Friday, December 11, 2015


Instagram is an application that may not be thought of as an educational resource, but it most definitely is. Instagram is a photo application that can enhance your pictures with the filters that they provided. Most commonly used for their "selfies", Instagram can be used as an technology resource! 

Here are some examples of what Instagram can be used for. It can showcase students' work. Students love to be able to show their parents what they did that day in class. It will give the students a boost of confidence if their work is presented to the Instagram page. An interactive lesson use can be through posting through a historic figure, or a famous figure of a book. So, for example, you can use President Lincoln and have the students post something he could've posted. 

The hashtag (#) can be used to let the students explore ideas and topics. Once you post, and hastag a topic. (for example: #PresidentLincoln) it can take you to other posts that other people did!

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