Tuesday, December 8, 2015

I'm still in love with PowerPoint

 I remember I 10th grade and my teacher told us that she wanted us to do a presentation but we couldn’t use PowerPoint. In my head I said “Well why not?” I could not understand why the teachers felt so strongly about students finding a new way to present their work. As I get more exposed to the different options on the internet, I can understand that teachers want students to find the alternate options to present their information. I did some research and found a website that had 5 alternates to using PowerPoint. This site is actually PowToon but there are other options which I thought is really nice that they can support other companies. I looked into the 5 alternates and they are all quite nice but none are free, reliable and easy to use as PowerPoint. Microsoft is been developing their tools over the years and now PowerPoint has been developing so much so that you area able to create a digital story with it. I know that for windows 8 you are able to do a lot more with the tools that have but not every student has access to the updates.

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