Friday, December 11, 2015



        I remember that throughout my years of education, especially from my 9th  grade Geometry class, my teacher always complimented me for having such neat and well-written notes and homework. He always asked me if he can keep my homework and notes. Afterwards, I was always concerned when I was done with each class, if I should garbage my notebooks with such well-written notes and homework. However, this technology I discovered called Flashnotes allows students to upload their class notes and sell them to other students who need the notes for more resources or for students who cannot afford textbooks or couldn’t make it to class. This technology encourages the students to take good notes and earn money from it. You don’t need worry whether to throw away your notes when you are done with that class. You don’t need worry if you’ll fall behind for missing a class and wasn’t able to view the notes. You are now able to learn from other elites! Now, use Flashnotes and gather the notes you need, and share your notes with others to earn money from it.

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