Thursday, December 10, 2015

Is Technology in Elementary Schools Really Important?

    Children as young as 6 months old have access to some sort of technology, be it their parent’s phones or a tablet designed just for them.  Many preschools have computers or tablets in classrooms to help introduce children to lessons from colors and numbers to letters and shapes, and with many of the lessons children are introduced to keyboarding.
   Once children enter elementary school most have already had an introduction to some type of technology and while in elementary school they will most likely have more exposure and build on what they have already learned.
    Yes, technology in elementary schools is very important.  Technology helps “helps create a learning environment in which students are more confident and productive as they engage in projects that empower them to take ownership of their education” (Thomas-Fox, 2005).  Children are diving technology by working on websites, writing blogs, and making digital stories.  These types of assignments are the perfect foundation for them before entering high school and beyond.
    Technology can help children “see” the history they are reading about, “hear” the president they just talked about, even talk to children outside of their immediate area to find out about other states or countries.
    According to the website,, the article “Tech jobs of the future: What to Study if you want a cool job tomorrow list the following top jobs of the future; “Cybersecurity, Drone Programmers, Nanotechnology in medicine and virtual reality designers” (Dube, 2014), to name a few.
    I am not saying that every child in elementary schools who are working with technology will fill these fields, but I believe that with the foundation of technology given to them at an early age, they will have an advantage over someone who never really works with technology in the classroom.  So yes, once again I say that technology in elementary schools is important.


Dube, R. (2014, July 30). Future Tech. Retrieved from Make use of Web site.
Thomas-Fox, M. (2005). The Importance of Computer Technology in an Elementary School. Retrieved from Everyday Life Web site:

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