Monday, October 16, 2017


Teachers nowadays have a more technological way of communicating with students’ parents.  The traditional ways of emailing, calling, sending home a note with the students, are just small weekly updates are if trouble comes up. But now with apps, it makes it more interesting. Seesaw helps teachers post pictures, videos, and the students work. Students can upload their work to show their parents. Parents can see them immediately and respond to their kids insistently giving feedback/comments. Seesaw allows students to see their own progress in class and memories that were created while learning something new every day. Seesaw allows teachers, students, and parents to be connected. What’s great about it is that each student has their own page. So, if the student uploads their work progress for that day, the student, their parents, and the teacher are the only ones that can view the work that was uploaded.


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