Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Canvas: the Grade Tracking, Discussion Having, Contacting App For Managing Your Class

Canvas is a site that I'm sure you know very well if you are a University of Michigan Dearborn student. Like it or not, you have to use it. But really, think about how great it is! It keeps track of your grades, the people in your class, emails sent to you, announcements from your professors, and more! It even allows for some other functions, as we've seen in Professor Bouwman's very class! He found a way to put Google Surveys that can be taken strictly through Canvas, as well as widgets into other useful sites such as Gradecraft. This shows the vast creativity that can be expressed with a little effort from the teacher. There is even a free mobile app version, so you can check your grades anywhere, anytime! It is truly worth using as a student-friendly site that does so many things that are needed for a scholastic lifestyle all at once.

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