Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Image result for flashcard machine

  • Users of Flashcard Machine are able to utilize cards that have already been created by other or custom designed for his or her needs.  This online flashcard software allows text in a variety of styles, audio clippings, and images directly from your own computer system.
  • Flashcards can be stored in specific folders labeled by you in order to provide organization if you plan on developing many sets.  At any point, theses aids can be modified by the flash card maker to edit or remove obsolete or unused sets.  Images can be easily be resized for aesthetics and can provide a visual of terms you are studying.
  • Using audio in Flashcard Machine can be accomplished one of two ways.  You can either upload an audio file to the server to be used in the flash card maker, or you can record directly from your mic.  This allows you to record your own voice reading the content which is perfect for the reading impaired.  This is a great tool for teachers and aides who deal with students with reading disabilities to help them learn sounds and word structure.
Compared to Similar Apps:
  • One of the most attractive aspects to Flashcard Machine is the ability to access hundreds of thousands of cards developed by others like yourself.  Complete with having images and sound capabilities, this online flashcard software could easily rank up there within your favorites.  It only takes a minute or two to register for the free account at which point you are able to start creating for your custom study aids.

Bottom Line:
  • The possibilities for using this flash card maker are great for classroom use or within the home for your own children to help them study.  With access to so many card sets available from other users, any subject matter can be utilized.  As this is a completely free solution, it is definitely worth the time to investigate the possibilities of incorporating it into your own theme.

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