Monday, October 16, 2017


Prezi is an outlet used for presenting information. It was founded in Budapest, Hungary in 2009. The term 'Prezi' is Hungarian for the short term word 'presentation'. Prezi is similar to PowerPoint. While some users may argue that it is better than PowerPoint, some may not. Prezi is a technology tool that people all over the world use to create presentations to display information. It allows users to create more than one category of information in one presentation if they wish, and switch back and forth each category. This method of presentation may be helpful for those of us that are visual learners. With PowerPoint, information is simply displayed in slide format and must be published in order. With Prezi, one can jump back and forth between categories, rather than viewing the information in order. This is helpful if a presentation does not have to necessarily be in any certain order. One major benefit to the use of Prezi is that your presentation can flow with the style and tone of the conversation, rather than vice-versa. Prezi for basic use is free, but if one desires a more advanced version of Prezi, Prezi Plus (all features that come with basic, plus control of privacy, offline accessiblity, and your own branding) is $19/month.

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