Thursday, October 5, 2017

Study Guides and Stratergies

Study Guides and Strategies is an online learning series that allows in and out of the classroom learning experiences. It is a public service that has over 255 topics in 39 different languages that have been thoroughly researched and published for accuracy. It can be freely accessed and made into an independent study. It has different categories to choose from to ensure that the users get the opportunity to pick what they need help. It is also a learning tool that gives students advice on how to deal with things out side of the classroom, such as things we face on a daily basis and real experiences. It has a section for instructions on how to deal with time management, stress, and problem solving. The website is designed to Inform users that they are able to receive help from people that have dedicated their lives on helping those that need it; they include study guides and printed guides to make the learners experience easy and beneficial for future learning.

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