Wednesday, October 4, 2017

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If you’re looking to boost your students vocabulary then is good place to start. It’s designed to be used by both teachers and students. Signing in as a teacher gives you access to different vocabulary list quizzes. There is a variety of themes to choose from. Test preparation, morphology, literature, non-fiction, historical documents, famous speeches, and news articles are some of the categories. The vocabulary lists on this site are not presented out of context. Each word on a list is defined with the passage that it is taken from provided. If a word from a news vocabulary list is taken, the passage from the article is shown along with a brief explanation of the context that pertains to that article.
There are also sections for quizzes. You can choose from defining a word or taking a spelling test. The teacher can set up an account for their class so their students can take these quizzes. Teachers can also create their own lists and share them with others. This site also allows the students to track the progress in learning vocabulary.
If you’re looking for new ways to teach or reinforce vocabulary for your students this is a good website to checkout.

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