Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Image result for shutterfly

We all know Shutterfly as being an online picture store, but did you know that it can do more than just offer personalized photo products? Shutterfly is one of the websites we use for the Marching Band at my daughters school. The Band Booster organization uses Shutterfly for all its correspondents. We can post current events, photos, and it even offers an interactive sign up. It offers a personalized private webpage that you can invite other members to join. Just like Facebook there are administers, however the page is not public so not just anyone can find it. On this webpage you can also create tabs for different fundraising events, and post the band practice schedule. You can also sign up to volunteer for anything from chaperoning an event, helping at football games, or donating food for a bake sale. We can also accept monetary donations from the website. The best part is, all these services are offered for FREE! One thing I really like about Shutterfly is, as an event draws near, you will receive an email reminder of what you have signed up for or the football game on Friday!
Image result for shutterfly classroom website

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