Wednesday, October 7, 2020


The piece of educational technology I will be reviewing is a website called CNN10. It’s a website that delivers current events via video in 10 minutes. I find it very classroom friendly, and have seen in used in social studies curriculums. It’s also something that could easily be lesson planned around. For example, a teacher could watch the CNN10 prior to a class and have questions prepared following the video. You could also have students answer questions after, or even pause the video at different times and engage in a classroom conversation. It’s a great way to keep a social studies journal, or to just have a class discussion. The material is conducive for upper middle school, and high school.

CNN 10 is free, and doesn't require a subscription. If you google What is CNN10?, they state that one of their goals to report controversial topics "neutral." I feel like it does a pretty good job with that. It reports all types of news, and even has a trivia question part way through the segment. I like that it lets students participate in discussion about current events. It’s not a bad way to start off each class. While it’s not a game, I feel like the engagement is there, and it can be virtual friendly if you’re teaching online. Pausing the video and getting feedback online is something to consider with teaching these days. A teacher can share their screen and see what students have to say. It’s a nice way to start off a social studies class, and expose students to current events that they might have not have been exposed to.

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