Wednesday, October 7, 2020


                               Prezi: Make your presentations look outstanding

    Prezi is a presentation tool commonly used among students, teachers, and those in business.  Prezi presentations can be used in replacement of programs such as PowerPoint and offers a different, more unique look to the world of virtual presentation.  Prezi utilizes one screen in which all slides are presented on however, in order to get to the next slide function such as zoom in and zoom out are offered.  Presentations are often boring and bland, but with Prezi, varying templates that are appealing to the eye are offered and can spice up any presentation.  Teachers and school administration are slowly but surely pushing the use of Prezi because it is a way for students to be more engaged and it also is rather easy to access.  You are able to view other's Prezi's through searches on the Prezi website and or copying the link to take you directly there.  Prezi is also a free presentation site that anyone can use.  

As a future teacher I would use Prezi over PowerPoint because of the aesthetic appeal and because students are more engaged in what they are learning because it is different than what they have alway seen.  The way in which a Prezi powerpoint is presented is eye catching in and of itself as stated before.  The arrows at the bottom of the presentation will let you go from section to section on the Prezi or you are able to click on the specific slide/section you want to view.  In a traditional classroom setting, students tend to zone out and get bored with lectures, so as a solution presenting a Prezi powerpoint that has interactive slides and other interest catching aspect, will help to make students become more engaged.  Overall, Prezi seems to be the new, more popular form of presentation that will allow teachers to better connect with their students in ways that PowerPoint presentations have not before. 

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