Saturday, October 31, 2020


 Newsela is a online educational website that allows for students to read non fiction based news articles about various subjects such as science, language arts, history, and more. Many educators choose to use this resources based on how the information that is given is correct and unbiased. This allows for the students to receive the information and be able to from their own opinion which is essential for students learning. Beyond having trustworthy content for students to be able to read it allows for them to annotate the readings and at the end can assess the students with a quiz that is based on the article and their annotations. This tool is very effective in the classroom because it does allow for students to get important information and tests their knowledge after the reading. Overall, I would rate this tool 10/10 because it has many factors that allows for students of all ages to be able to learn the content with articles based on k-12 and on reading levels as well.  

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