Saturday, October 10, 2020

MineCraft Education Edition


For my blog post I’ll be covering a tool I found out about from the Keller flipgrid  Minecraft Education Edition, a community page revolving around making lessons with eh use of Minecraft. The why Minecraft page (first link) posits that this tool is useful for making students engage with the material in a new/alternate way which I agree with. There’s also a variety of lesson plans that are available (second link). I have mostly looked through the language arts and history lesson plans and I think they are a good way to get a class to engage with the material as well, for example, the Fantastic Mr. Fox (link 3) doesn’t feature characters but instead an actual zone for students to make their own homes in Minecraft based on an animal and can serve as a good primer activity.

This screencap is from my favorite lesson so far the Macbeth one (link4) I think it shows how you can go about integrating technology into non- STEM lessons and can make the material engaging for someone that wouldn’t want to see an old play, or just read it in class. And I think that the goal of technology in education is engaging with the material in a way you normally wouldn’t and making Concepts fit in better with how a student may engage with it. I’ve spent hours learning and reading about Elder Scrolls lore because I became invested in its story and hopefully we can do a similar thing by remixing books into these experiences.

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