Monday, October 26, 2020

Khan Academy


Khan Academy | Free Online Courses, Lessons & Practice

I am almost certain that everyone reading this, has used, seen, or heard of Khan Academy at least once. This tool is not necessarily new, since Khan Academy has been around since 2008. Khan Academy has been a tool that has followed me around throughout my entire 4 years in high school. I have used this on many different occasions for SAT and ACT prep, and some other minor educational purposes. Khan Academy is a learning, and studying tool for many different subjects. I would even call this a more advanced version of Quizlet. Khan Academy offers a wide variety of different courses to immerse yourself in, making your learning experience unique to you. Their courses range from simple 1st grade activities, to complex college courses to browse. 

All of the options for courses are very helpful, and help you explore courses and topics you didn't even know you were interested in. However, the number one thing people come to Khan Academy for, is SAT prep. Fortunately, Khan Academy can aid students who are feeling nervous, or unprepared. Khan Academy offers timed practices for students to prepare for the large upcoming test. Instead of dumping an entire test on you at once Khan Academy works with your schedule, and offers timed intervals for practices. I found their strategies very helpful, and often felt at ease about the upcoming tests that held the key to my future. Not only does Khan Academy offer practices and tests, they offer tips and strategies as well.

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