Sunday, October 25, 2020



        At times, math can be frustrating and it can be difficult to work through a problem on your own when you have no idea where to begin.  Photomath is an app that can help solve this problem.  The goal of Photomath is to provide users with a clear step-by-step set of instructions on how to solve any math problem.  All users have to do is use their camera and take a photo of their paper or textbook.  Then, Photomath will scan that photo and provide a typed answer and explanation of how that answer was reached.

        I have used this app in one of my college math courses, and it was a life saver.  It was easy to use and helped me understand how many of the answers were reached.  Although the app isn’t perfect every try, it was still a great resource for me to use when I wasn’t able to contact my professor or get help from classmates. 

        I can picture this app being used by many students of all ages.  I think this is a great resource for students to use at home when they are stumped on a certain problem.  Although it is great to be able to get a quick explanation and answer, Photomath shouldn’t be used constantly.  I think that Photomath is only helpful when used in small quantities to prevent students from skipping their way through assignments to get a grade.  The goal with this app is to help students when they absolutely need it, or don’t know how to begin to solve a problem. Overall though, I think that this app is a great resource to keep in mind for students who may need that extra helping hand.

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