Sunday, October 11, 2020

Don't Let Pigeon Run This App!

     I recently came across this app while working in one of the preschool classrooms at my work.  This app focuses on helping students vocalize their opinions, follow instructions, and create their own silly stories.  The app is available on Apple devices and is a great classroom resource for students who are around the age of 5.  

        To use this app, students partake in a story telling game where a bus driver character asks the students different questions.  To answer the questions, each student gets a turn pressing a record button and saying their answers into the device’s microphone.  Each story has about 5 or 6 questions, so multiple students can partake in one story.  Then, once all of the answers are recorded, Pigeon will come into the story and bring their answers to life.  He will tell his silly story and use the children’s voices throughout the story.  My students absolutely love this story because they get to be creative with their answers, and they enjoy hearing their own voices being incorporated into the story. 


       The creator of the Pigeon books, Mo Willems, is the voice actor for the characters on this app.  He is very animated and dynamic with his voice.  I think this makes the experience for the students that much more enjoyable.  This game can also be used for younger students as well.  There are multiple story options to pick from, and each one has varying levels of engagement.  The stories geared towards younger children ask less questions and are more simple. 

        I was very impressed overall by this app, and I loved that my students enjoyed it so much.  It is easy to use, fun for the students, and promotes creativity.  For more information on this app, visit:

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