Monday, October 19, 2020

Photo Math


Photomath - Wikipedia    Although  I am sure many high school students have used Photo Math for more than just 'help' on classroom assignments, Photo Math is a very helpful learning tool when it comes to math. Photo Math is an app that was released in 2014. Photo Math could be called a photographic calculator. Instead of simply giving you the answer, Photo Math allows you to view how to solve the problem as well. Photo Math is capable of completing almost any math problem, such as algebra, addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, and many others. Upon opening Photo Math, you are opening a camera with a box in the middle. You then position the camera box over the math problem in which you are trying to find the answer to. After scanning your problem, Photo Math then offers you different ways to solve your problem, as well as the answers. I think this is a very useful tool in the sense that this can help many people who struggle with math. I know for a fact that I struggle very much with math, and Photo Math has saved my life many times in the past. This app can easily make any other calculator obsolete. Although Photo Math is an amazing tool to use, it is also a very obvious way to cheat. Instead of putting effort into doing a math problem, why not just copy the work off of the app? This is an unfortunate way to earn a grade. I would suggest using Photo Math during notes, and prohibit this app being used on Math homework. There are many other ways to prevent cheating, although sometimes, it is inevitable. It is strongly encouraged not to cheat with this app on math homework! If you are unable to do the homework, your results on your upcoming test will not match up with your homework. Interactive teacher help is better than cheating off an app when you are struggling. A cellphone will not always be available to you, especially on large exams.

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