Friday, October 9, 2020

Google Slides

Google Slides is a presentation program included as part of Google Drive service. It is an online

presentation app that lets you create and format presentations and work with others. It has the ability to

format text and add images to the ability to use layouts and themes. It also includes more advanced

presentation tools such as the ability to publish to the web and great collaboration features. With the

collaboration features, you are allowed to share your presentation with others and they are allowed to

edit it, view it, or give feedback on how they are doing. This gets in handy when you think that

something doesn’t look right or just want to know if it makes sense. 

How to use google slides? First off, you want to go to the website

about/, and click the blue button that says “Go To Google Slides”. Once you click that it will take you

to a page where it asks you to pick an email to save the slides to. Then you sign in the one that you

would like to use. After picking one, it will show you a page that has different templates or previous

presentations that you have already done. To start a new one, pick the blank template, which is the very

first one. From there, you get to pick which type of theme you would like for your background and

what type of color for the background. Lastly before you start typing, you can decide how many slides

you want and which type of template. By clicking the plus square button, you will add the same type

of presentation layout as before, but if you want something different pick the down arrow next to it

and click on the new template that you would like or picking the color, click the background button

and select a color. The rest of the tools is similar to google docs where you can change the font, colors,

sizing of words or insert pictures. 

Google slides will help teachers create presentations and learning resources for the students. While

google slides integrate naturally into google classroom, it will make it easier for teachers to upload the

slides. Also, google slides are free of charge, which is a big plus, and it helps teachers give feedback

easier by putting it right on the side of the presentation, so the student can read it. For students, it gives

them the great tool of allowing to share it with classmates or teachers, can access it anywhere with

Internet access, and easy to add drawings, images, and videos. It makes projects for the students go

easier and faster rather than trying to find an alternative way to do it. Also, saves their work

automatically without pressing the save button, which is good if the device they are working on goes

down and they won’t lose all the hard work they accomplished. Google slides make work go more

efficient and faster.

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