Saturday, October 31, 2020


 Newsela is a online educational website that allows for students to read non fiction based news articles about various subjects such as science, language arts, history, and more. Many educators choose to use this resources based on how the information that is given is correct and unbiased. This allows for the students to receive the information and be able to from their own opinion which is essential for students learning. Beyond having trustworthy content for students to be able to read it allows for them to annotate the readings and at the end can assess the students with a quiz that is based on the article and their annotations. This tool is very effective in the classroom because it does allow for students to get important information and tests their knowledge after the reading. Overall, I would rate this tool 10/10 because it has many factors that allows for students of all ages to be able to learn the content with articles based on k-12 and on reading levels as well.  

Monday, October 26, 2020

Khan Academy


Khan Academy | Free Online Courses, Lessons & Practice

I am almost certain that everyone reading this, has used, seen, or heard of Khan Academy at least once. This tool is not necessarily new, since Khan Academy has been around since 2008. Khan Academy has been a tool that has followed me around throughout my entire 4 years in high school. I have used this on many different occasions for SAT and ACT prep, and some other minor educational purposes. Khan Academy is a learning, and studying tool for many different subjects. I would even call this a more advanced version of Quizlet. Khan Academy offers a wide variety of different courses to immerse yourself in, making your learning experience unique to you. Their courses range from simple 1st grade activities, to complex college courses to browse. 

All of the options for courses are very helpful, and help you explore courses and topics you didn't even know you were interested in. However, the number one thing people come to Khan Academy for, is SAT prep. Fortunately, Khan Academy can aid students who are feeling nervous, or unprepared. Khan Academy offers timed practices for students to prepare for the large upcoming test. Instead of dumping an entire test on you at once Khan Academy works with your schedule, and offers timed intervals for practices. I found their strategies very helpful, and often felt at ease about the upcoming tests that held the key to my future. Not only does Khan Academy offer practices and tests, they offer tips and strategies as well.

Sunday, October 25, 2020






    Python is a programming language that has become extremely popular in recent years. It is the second most used programming language on github, which is the largest repository of open source software on the internet. You may be asking what a programming language has to do with educational technology. The answer is that programming skills are in increasingly high demand, and it is also a great way to teach problem solving. Python specifically is a great candidate for teaching students programming due not only to its popularity but its simplicity.

    Python uses a simplified syntax that allows students to focus more on problem solving and less on looking for missing brackets and semicolons. Compare these two simple programs that write the string “Hello World!” to the console. The first is in C, and the Second is in Python:


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
   printf("Hello World!");
   return 0;

print("Hello, World!")

    The difference in complexity between these too programs in relatively small, but it adds up as a program becomes more complex. Another advantage for students is that Python is an interpreted language. This means that programs can be tested on the fly without being compiled first. This allows students to fix issues with their programs much faster. Interpreted languages are much less resource efficient than compiled ones, but high performance should not be an issue for students who are just getting started learning to program.

    Due to its popularity, Python also has a ton of learning resources already available. Just about any concept in programming has multiple tutorials dedicated to it, and almost every common issue has a thread on stack overflow explaining the solution.

    I think everyone, including people who don’t plan on being programmers, should at least dabble with Python. A little bit of python knowledge will enable you to turn a repetitive task that would otherwise take hours to do into a script that does the same thing in minutes. If you don’t know where to begin, I recommend the course from

Google Sheets

 Google Sheets is based on the alternative Microsoft Excel. It's a spreadsheet program that is connected to people's Gmail and is a free, web-based connection to Google Drive services. Everything is accessible from their Google account and they'll be able to see and access all of their files from Google Drive. They can create and edit spreadsheets directly in their web browser. Multiple people can work simultaneously, they can see other people's changes as they make them, and every change is saved automatically. It makes it easier when it's done automatically.

The big question is how do people use Google Sheets? First thing is to open a spreadsheet in Google Sheets by going into your Gmail and clicking the green window icon (shown above). Next, click a cell (a rectangle) that’s empty or double-click a cell (a rectangle) that isn’t empty. After that, you start to type what you would like to put in the cell (rectangle). If you would like to add another line within a cell (a rectangle), you are going to press “⌘” + Enter on a Mac or Ctrl + Enter on Windows. This allows the cell ( rectangle) to be longer to add more information in. When you’re done, they press Enter.

Google Sheets can help students learn and teachers as well. For students, it helps with their organizational skills. Since students can easily put hyperlinks into a Google Sheet, they can gather resources for themselves. Using the formatting features and multiple sheets, also allows them to create a document that's easy and clear for them to navigate. This helps keep their information and materials in one place, so it’s easier for them to find. For teachers, it allows them to create useful spreadsheets for planning class, for marking assignments, for student editing, resource organization, activity reviews, quizzes, attendance, and lots more. Another helpful way is to use it as a gradebook system because it's easy to put grades in and if the teacher loses a grade, they can go back in the spreadsheet and check, since the spreadsheet is automatically saved.  

The Smithsonian History Explorer

 Hi guys so today i will be talking about the Smithsonian's History Explorer webpage. So this website run by the Smithsonian (Link 1) is a gate way to a variety of lesson, resources, and blog post which all relate to History in an Academic context. Under the explore prompt pictured bellow is a search feature allowing someone to narrow down what they are looking for based on Grade Level, content, time period, and cross-disciplinary benefits, There's also lots of lesson plans under teachers resources and although I wouldn't just print something out and give it to student the Primary Source PDF they offer (Link 3) is a genuinely good breakdown of the pros and cons of sources and would be great to use in any history class

Along with the plethora of resources is a stream of featured artifacts and blogs which can serve as a nice primer for the school day. The Featured Artifact the day I wrote my post was the No Stamp Act Teapot (Link 4) along with 8 images of the pot at multiple angles it came with a long description over the history of the pot and its historical significance, which can serve as a nice way to show students where to find primary sources and how to make them significant

Although I'm not sure how often its updated there's a large database of resources that are at the very least accurate and non-biased as they come from an incredibly respected institution and the History Explorer site is great for me and the rest of History teachers especially because they have a Plethora of teaching resources if you mange to go to the Smithsonian in Person (Link2)

Links (Stamp Act Tea Pot)

The Future of Virtual Schooling: Who will be Left Behind


The above map shows the whole United States and its various counties and their access to highspeed broadband internet. The counties in red have 0 providers offering quality internet services, yellow means 1 provider and those very sparse areas of green represent 3 or more choices. I believe that this map tells a grim story about the future of virtual schooling as we move into a second wave of the coronavirus. For one, many students who live in these massive swaths of red might be completely unable to attend school virtually, without a reliable internet connection they will be forced to either receive a far worse virtual education or risk the chance of contracting the virus and being forced home for 2 weeks in addition to whatever negatives the virus itself brings. However, this issue doesn't exist just for the students who have no access to the internet, but even those that have access but that access is only provided by one internet service provider. Due to changes in the law like Net Neutrality, many internet service providers started to implement data caps (setting a limit on how much data you can download and charging a premium if you go over that limit) as a way to increase profit. What this means for students in those yellow counties is that if they and their families are heavy data users in their free time, their schooling could be greatly affected by the lost of high speed internet.

As schools continue to press for students coming back to the classroom for various reasons, they also are making sure to continue to offer virtual education to students who don't feel comfortable returning, I believe this is an important and necessary option but I worry that schools will begin to neglect the online student body as students return to the classroom. One solution I've heard for this problem is the instillation of a virtual school administration that's sole focus in on the virtual student bodies. I have heard of school districts like Rochester for instance have a virtual principle for their district that handles all issues and changes that come for their virtual schooling even as students are returning to their classrooms. Ultimately, we need to stress that both of these options will provide an equal level of education to the student and work to make that a reality.


TED Talks

TED Talks (technology, entertainment, and design) are a great resource to use in the classroom. There are thousands of videos available. The TED Talks can be used to prompt debate, discussion, or writing in a class. A great TED talk could be “The Danger of a Single Story” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. This could be a great video to play at the beginning of the year in an English class to open up a discussion on the importance of diversity in literature. Students can write about the talk and learn how to better summarize, paraphrase, and quote information. TED talks can also be used to deliver background information for a topic that is about to be introduced. For example, there is a video titled “Everything You Need to Know to Read Frankenstein”. This video would be great to show to students before reading the novel Frankenstein in a literature class. I read Frankenstein in school and this would have been a great video to see beforehand. This video is also on TED-Ed. TED-Ed is specifically designed for students. They provide engaging animated video lessons that can be filtered by student age. The videos also provide comprehension and discussion questions.

TED Talks can also allow for student choice. Students can look through TED Talk videos and filter them by subject matter. This allows them to explore their interests. Lastly, it can be used to teach public speaking. Students can create their own TED talks in the classroom. After watching TED talks and seeing how they are done students can research their own interests and pick a topic to talk about. Then they can give a talk to the class and the teacher could record it. This would allow students to practice public speaking.



 Kahoot! brand guidelines | Kahoot! 

Kahoot is a game based learning resource. It's an easy way to create and play learning games or trivia games within minutes. Kahoot is mostly played within a group setting such as a classroom. It's a great way to keep students engaged and motivated about their schoolwork. Kahoot is also a great study guide. This is a fun way to take a break from regular class work but still learning at the same time. How you use Kahoot is by creating a game surrounding a specific subject in what the students are learning.

 The students will than sign into the game and create their accounts. When the students are signing into the game they can use their actual name or create a nickname for themselves within the game. The game will than start and a question will appear. The students will only have a couple of seconds to select and submit which choice they think is the correct answer. Kahoot is available to millions of students all over the world making educational resources fun for almost anyone.

 Kahoot isn't just for students, it can also be used by teachers, company employee's, and lifelong learners. Kahoot covers all school subjects and is available in multiple languages on multiple devices. Kahoot is also free for students and teachers due to the subscription plans that they provide to businesses. Overall Kahoot is an incredible resource for anyone and it keeps a students mind constantly being filled with education while having a great time learning. 



        At times, math can be frustrating and it can be difficult to work through a problem on your own when you have no idea where to begin.  Photomath is an app that can help solve this problem.  The goal of Photomath is to provide users with a clear step-by-step set of instructions on how to solve any math problem.  All users have to do is use their camera and take a photo of their paper or textbook.  Then, Photomath will scan that photo and provide a typed answer and explanation of how that answer was reached.

        I have used this app in one of my college math courses, and it was a life saver.  It was easy to use and helped me understand how many of the answers were reached.  Although the app isn’t perfect every try, it was still a great resource for me to use when I wasn’t able to contact my professor or get help from classmates. 

        I can picture this app being used by many students of all ages.  I think this is a great resource for students to use at home when they are stumped on a certain problem.  Although it is great to be able to get a quick explanation and answer, Photomath shouldn’t be used constantly.  I think that Photomath is only helpful when used in small quantities to prevent students from skipping their way through assignments to get a grade.  The goal with this app is to help students when they absolutely need it, or don’t know how to begin to solve a problem. Overall though, I think that this app is a great resource to keep in mind for students who may need that extra helping hand.

Saturday, October 24, 2020


 Digital Activities for Your Students - TeacherMade Features

The switch to online and distance learning has left many teachers who relied on paper resources stuck and frustrated to transition into the digital world. TeacherMade is an application and website that was made by teachers, for teachers where they remake and assign classroom papers into online digital activities for students.  The features make it easy for teachers to just load a PDF or picture, mark where their students need to type and assign. The system built into TeacherMade will even auto-score students’ work which can save a teacher so much time and students score anxiety.  


Online classroom app – Digitize Worksheets with TeacherMade



TeacherMade has been compared to Google Slides, a preferred method by many teachers in this digital age, and has offered more features in digital tools, scoring and reporting, collaboration and even in interoperability. Teachers can use the application to upload their images and PDFs onto Google Classroom, Canvas and many other LMS so after students type in their answers, teachers can make comments with highlighters, text, audio and video. TeacherMade makes it easy for teachers to see scores and reports for individuals and the entire class and the ability to share their creations in a network of other teachers.


        Penn Foster Vet Tech Terminology Questions and Study Guide | Quizlet  Flashcards by kindkarma9 | Flashcards, Vocabulary, Ap human geography

The technological study tool known as Quizlet is an online app that allows students to create flashcards, games, and test in order to help them study.  Quizlet was created by Andrew Sutherland in October of 2005 and the site was then published in January of 2007.  Quizlet is composed of many different ways to study.  The forms of studying on Quizlet are as follows; flashcards, gravity, write, speller, match, and live.  The most used form of study in flashcards.  Just like physical flashcards, Quizlet Flashcards allow you to view one side of the virtual flashcard and then click on that flashcard to reveal the answer on the other side.  Gravity is a study tool that doubles as a game.  Gravity consist of definitions placed on asteroids that are falling to the bottom of the screen.  It is then up to the student to type in the correct word to match the definition before it reaches the bottom of the screen.  Write tests a students knowledge on whether or not that can write either the definition or term that goes with what is shown on the screen.  Speller is used as a form of a spelling test where the word is read aloud and the student studying must type out the word spelled correctly. Match is another studying function offered by Quizlet that models a game.  Match is set up with a grid of scattered terms where students then must drag the correct term to the given definition in the quickest time possible.  Finally the last Quizlet feature is live.  Quizlet Live models Kahoot in a way in which the teacher divides the class into groups and present them with either the term or definition and the students must correctly answer to earn points.  At the end of the game the group with the most correct wins resulting in the highest score win.  

Quizlet is a great tool for teachers to utilize during times like these because students are familiar with using it and it is an alternative to book studying.  Quizlet is also a free app which makes it easier for teachers to get their students to use it.  Teachers are also able to create Quizlet's for their students when it comes time to study for a test and a review needs to be sent out.  It is much easier to share something online that students already know how to use and are interested in using rather then sending home hard copies of notes that are just prewritten.  By utilizing the function that Quizlet has to offer, teachers are able to offer a wider array of studying options that will suit more students. 

Google Docs vs Microsoft Word

 Google Docs and Microsoft Word are both very helpful apps that allow students to type up papers. Both of them are similar in function, but there are some major differences between the two. The question is, which one is better?

Microsoft Word is part of a package that is offered by Microsoft that also includes other Microsoft apps such as Presentation. Word is not online so in order to work on the same project you would need to work on the same computer. In addition, you also need to save your work often since Word does not have an autosave.

Google Docs first off is completely free unlike Microsoft Word. Also unlike Microsoft Word, Docs is tied to your online Google account so that you can work on the same project on any device. This also has an autosave so you don't need to save a lot when working.

Overall, Microsoft Word with the paywall and only able to work on one device puts Word at a very bad disadvantage. With Docs being completely free, easy to use, and also completely online, it is the best app to use out of the two.


    iMovie is a video editing software developed by Apple. iMovie cost $14.99 and it is a very easy to use software. iMovie gives users many options to really modify, enhance color settings, and picture settings in a video. The software is available on all Apple products such as iPhones, Mac, and iPads. A great feature of iMovie is the ability for users to import projects from iOS to macOS. Users are able to easily add titles, music, effects, and even change the speed of their video. 

    Students can use iMovie to be really creative and grow their experience using technology. iMovie is a very easy and fun to use software that is designed to work with all Apple devices. Students can use iMovie to be creative with their videos they may have to do for a class. Teachers benefit from iMovie as well because they can edit videos of tutorials or introductions of assignments to present to the class.

Friday, October 23, 2020


Quizizz is a fun and engaging educational tool that is semi-similar to Kahoot. The difference is that Quizizz is focused on the individual student and how they are doing rather than how they are doing compared to the whole class. It is free and can be used in-person or online.

According to the website, it is used by more than 20 million students. Students see the questions on their own personal screen and can do live quizzes and polls.

On the teacher side, teachers can pick a quiz or create their own, can let students do their work in their own time, and can easily give feedback. It is also easily shared to Google Classroom. Overall, it is a great tool to assess students and keep them engaged in their own learning. Go to: for more!


 Seesaw is a free app that allows teachers and students to create e-portfolios to save important work and send out announcements. There are two apps you can download, the teacher and student app, and the parent app. Through the teacher and student app, there are a wide variety of features that make this app great, besides the main feature, the e-portfolio. For example, there is a general home page where you can look over student work, check the calendar, and see the class list. You also have an activities page where you can save activities to access them later, and even search the community tab for specialized activities other people made. There is also an inbox page where you can send out announcements to parents or students, and receive messages from them as well. The last thing I want to mention about the student and teacher section is that there is also a skills tab, where you can post rubrics and track students’ progress, although this feature does require a premium membership. On the parent app, you have to scan a QR code to add your student to the account. On this app, you can see any announcements the teacher makes, check in on your student’s academic progress, and even see work that the child wants to show off. Seesaw is an app I would recommend for a classroom of any age because it allows the teachers, students, and parents to keep an open line of communication and allows students and parents to save the important work forever.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020



Starfall is a website used by parents and educators to help teach students skills with ELA and math. This website is based around an elementary audience, and has content from preschool to third grade. It's super interactive, and has multiple activities for students to do. My favorite part of this website is the “calendar.” The calendar is updated every day to reflect what day it is. This is great if you’re a teacher short on time, and need a fun premade calendar to share. Having a student come up and assist in this during a morning meeting, is a great way to set a routine. Students not only repeat the days of the week, they match the date and day. You can also mark any special days such as a birthday. When you’re finished, you get the option to print a handout related to the month. This website is best used with a touch board and in a group setting.

The preschool and kindergarten sections have a lot of songs to help with ELA and math, and small activities for their age level. I like that it incorporates a lot of rhymes as part of their ELA. For the upper level content, it has a lot more available such as geometry, and parts of speech. I find all the content pretty age appropriate. The only downside to this website is that a lot of the materials are locked unless you have a subscription. The free stuff, while limited, is still pretty useful in a classroom. But like I said earlier, the calendar is probably the most useful because it does update every day. In regards to the games, they could get a little redundant if you beat them all. You could probably lesson plan around a few, but there isn’t much unless you pay. Paying the subscription fee wouldn’t be a bad idea if you really liked it. 

Monday, October 19, 2020

Photo Math


Photomath - Wikipedia    Although  I am sure many high school students have used Photo Math for more than just 'help' on classroom assignments, Photo Math is a very helpful learning tool when it comes to math. Photo Math is an app that was released in 2014. Photo Math could be called a photographic calculator. Instead of simply giving you the answer, Photo Math allows you to view how to solve the problem as well. Photo Math is capable of completing almost any math problem, such as algebra, addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, and many others. Upon opening Photo Math, you are opening a camera with a box in the middle. You then position the camera box over the math problem in which you are trying to find the answer to. After scanning your problem, Photo Math then offers you different ways to solve your problem, as well as the answers. I think this is a very useful tool in the sense that this can help many people who struggle with math. I know for a fact that I struggle very much with math, and Photo Math has saved my life many times in the past. This app can easily make any other calculator obsolete. Although Photo Math is an amazing tool to use, it is also a very obvious way to cheat. Instead of putting effort into doing a math problem, why not just copy the work off of the app? This is an unfortunate way to earn a grade. I would suggest using Photo Math during notes, and prohibit this app being used on Math homework. There are many other ways to prevent cheating, although sometimes, it is inevitable. It is strongly encouraged not to cheat with this app on math homework! If you are unable to do the homework, your results on your upcoming test will not match up with your homework. Interactive teacher help is better than cheating off an app when you are struggling. A cellphone will not always be available to you, especially on large exams.

Sunday, October 11, 2020


  Zoom is a video conferencing tool that allows businesses, schools, and other organizations to be able to work together with their colleagues in an environment in which they are not surrounded by others. Zoom is great for business meetings that are in different areas and school meetings in recent times since we are facing a global pandemic. With zoom you are able to use chatrooms and breakout rooms as well. In a chatroom you are able to discuss whatever needs to be talked about if you do not want to use the webcam, or if the service is cutting in and out, using the chatroom could be your best solution to communicate. Breakout rooms are great for schools for when it comes down to working with children individually rather than the entire class or for students to come together and participate in group projects. Breakout rooms are also great for meeting another classmate individually without the entire class being involved. Teachers are also able to use screen sharing while using zoom. Since we are in the middle of a pandemic, most schools are closed for in person contact so instead they use zoom. If children were in the classroom they would be able to view the teachers whiteboard. Since they are not able to view exactly what the teacher may be writing, the teacher can share his or her screen for the entire class to view. Overall zoom is a great tool to use right now. 




       Keynote is a great presentation software made by Apple Inc. Keynote is available on a Mac, iPhone, iPad, or even a PC. With a simple user interface, Keynote allows users the right tools to create an effective and informative presentation. There are many features included with Keynote, but there is one that is very useful, it is called the Collaboration tool. Users are able to invite and even work on a presentation with others. Another great feature of Keynote is the ability to import and edit presentations from Microsoft PowerPoint. Keynote is very useful for students and teachers. There are over 700 Apple designed shapes, galleries, math equations, and charts that users can choose from. As well as designs and charts that users can choose from, users are able to choose from 30 different cinematic transitions and effects that can really make a presentation look snazzy. 

        Students are able to engage with others if presentations are to be completed in groups and teachers can use it as a powerful tool to provide the class notes and information for assignments. Keynote allows for the users to engage with others and effectively learning using technology. Apple recently updated the software      that now allows users to use and Apple Pencil and words will be converted to text. Another great addition of the new software update is YouTube and Vimeo videos can be used in presentations as well as exporting is now available in a wide range of different formats and frame rates. Keynote is a great tool for everyone and is very simple tool to use.


Socrative is a great educational technology tool that lets teachers get their students to participate more actively in the classroom. It can be secured by student ID and can be easily shared through a link. Teachers can set up multiple classrooms, it also allows for up to 50 students per class and even more with their PRO service, which means that all the students in class can participate at the same time. The tool is free for students and available on all platforms. Socrative allows teachers to send out a quiz, have a "space race", send out an exit ticket, as well as ask quick questions. This helps teachers to get important feedback from their students about lessons and how well they are understanding the topics/lessons being taught.

The quiz feature and exit ticket are great opportunities for teachers to test how well the students understood the lesson and grasped the concepts being taught to them. Space Race is a quiz game that puts students against each other for a fun and competitive learning activity. On top of this, a teacher can ask their students quick questions through multiple choice, true/false, and/or short answer questions to test their knowledge on the subject being talked about, check for understanding, etc.

Overall, Socrative is a great learning tool that utilizes technology in a fun and engaging format that makes it easy for both teachers and students to have a healthy and active learning environment.

Don't Let Pigeon Run This App!

     I recently came across this app while working in one of the preschool classrooms at my work.  This app focuses on helping students vocalize their opinions, follow instructions, and create their own silly stories.  The app is available on Apple devices and is a great classroom resource for students who are around the age of 5.  

        To use this app, students partake in a story telling game where a bus driver character asks the students different questions.  To answer the questions, each student gets a turn pressing a record button and saying their answers into the device’s microphone.  Each story has about 5 or 6 questions, so multiple students can partake in one story.  Then, once all of the answers are recorded, Pigeon will come into the story and bring their answers to life.  He will tell his silly story and use the children’s voices throughout the story.  My students absolutely love this story because they get to be creative with their answers, and they enjoy hearing their own voices being incorporated into the story. 


       The creator of the Pigeon books, Mo Willems, is the voice actor for the characters on this app.  He is very animated and dynamic with his voice.  I think this makes the experience for the students that much more enjoyable.  This game can also be used for younger students as well.  There are multiple story options to pick from, and each one has varying levels of engagement.  The stories geared towards younger children ask less questions and are more simple. 

        I was very impressed overall by this app, and I loved that my students enjoyed it so much.  It is easy to use, fun for the students, and promotes creativity.  For more information on this app, visit:





With distance and online learning teachers and educators across the country had to find a way to communicate to their classes in a way that can educate students while still keeping them engaged in the tasks. VoiceThread is a collaborative, multimedia slide show that holds images, documents, and videos and allows people to navigate slides and leave comments in 5 ways - using voice (with a mic or telephone), text, audio file, or video.  The media player can be used for businesses, and as an education resource for both K-12 and higher education learning to use pictures, videos, presentations and documents.  VoiceThread is set apart from other websites and applications because after the media is added then teachers and students can ask question while getting answer, critique each other’s work and have ongoing conversations about the presentations.


What is a VoiceThread - YouTube


Ed.VoiceThread is the platform for teachers, schools, and districts to use to integrate into their learning of K-12.  Using the website or application can help students develop critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity skills.  VoiceThread will help educators accomplish speaking and listening standards and support students to increase their practice in both with self-paced participation, time for reflection, and repetition of speech. There are many features through Ed.VoiceThread where students learn about presentation, global collaboration, commenting, creating, sharing and even annotating.


Saturday, October 10, 2020

MineCraft Education Edition


For my blog post I’ll be covering a tool I found out about from the Keller flipgrid  Minecraft Education Edition, a community page revolving around making lessons with eh use of Minecraft. The why Minecraft page (first link) posits that this tool is useful for making students engage with the material in a new/alternate way which I agree with. There’s also a variety of lesson plans that are available (second link). I have mostly looked through the language arts and history lesson plans and I think they are a good way to get a class to engage with the material as well, for example, the Fantastic Mr. Fox (link 3) doesn’t feature characters but instead an actual zone for students to make their own homes in Minecraft based on an animal and can serve as a good primer activity.

This screencap is from my favorite lesson so far the Macbeth one (link4) I think it shows how you can go about integrating technology into non- STEM lessons and can make the material engaging for someone that wouldn’t want to see an old play, or just read it in class. And I think that the goal of technology in education is engaging with the material in a way you normally wouldn’t and making Concepts fit in better with how a student may engage with it. I’ve spent hours learning and reading about Elder Scrolls lore because I became invested in its story and hopefully we can do a similar thing by remixing books into these experiences.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Google Slides

Google Slides is a presentation program included as part of Google Drive service. It is an online

presentation app that lets you create and format presentations and work with others. It has the ability to

format text and add images to the ability to use layouts and themes. It also includes more advanced

presentation tools such as the ability to publish to the web and great collaboration features. With the

collaboration features, you are allowed to share your presentation with others and they are allowed to

edit it, view it, or give feedback on how they are doing. This gets in handy when you think that

something doesn’t look right or just want to know if it makes sense. 

How to use google slides? First off, you want to go to the website

about/, and click the blue button that says “Go To Google Slides”. Once you click that it will take you

to a page where it asks you to pick an email to save the slides to. Then you sign in the one that you

would like to use. After picking one, it will show you a page that has different templates or previous

presentations that you have already done. To start a new one, pick the blank template, which is the very

first one. From there, you get to pick which type of theme you would like for your background and

what type of color for the background. Lastly before you start typing, you can decide how many slides

you want and which type of template. By clicking the plus square button, you will add the same type

of presentation layout as before, but if you want something different pick the down arrow next to it

and click on the new template that you would like or picking the color, click the background button

and select a color. The rest of the tools is similar to google docs where you can change the font, colors,

sizing of words or insert pictures. 

Google slides will help teachers create presentations and learning resources for the students. While

google slides integrate naturally into google classroom, it will make it easier for teachers to upload the

slides. Also, google slides are free of charge, which is a big plus, and it helps teachers give feedback

easier by putting it right on the side of the presentation, so the student can read it. For students, it gives

them the great tool of allowing to share it with classmates or teachers, can access it anywhere with

Internet access, and easy to add drawings, images, and videos. It makes projects for the students go

easier and faster rather than trying to find an alternative way to do it. Also, saves their work

automatically without pressing the save button, which is good if the device they are working on goes

down and they won’t lose all the hard work they accomplished. Google slides make work go more

efficient and faster.