Sunday, December 6, 2020

The piece of technology that I wanted to review is a website called teachers pay teachers. This website allows teachers and other individuals to share lesson plans. A lot of the lesson plans will cost you a small amount, but some of the material is free. I found it interesting that you can either buy an individual lesson, or you can buy a whole unit to teach. It’s a great way to profit off of your lesson plans. I know a lot of teachers put a lot of time and energy into writing lessons, so it’s a great way to make a little bit of extra cash. This website is especially great if you’re in a time crunch and you don’t have time to write a lesson plan. I was surprised by the amount of materials on this website. You can pretty much find any lesson plan that you need covered in your classroom. Besides lesson plans, they also have little art projects that you can print out. I was surprised how much free material is out there. I know teachers often get stressed out with grading, and everything else that goes with being an educator. This website takes a little bit of stress out of their lives should they need an assist with a lesson planning. If you spent a long time writing a lesson plan that you don’t want to go to waste- why not make some money off of it? This website is an all around a great one that should be saved on every teachers computer.

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