Sunday, December 6, 2020

Research Done Right!



With all of the research assignments that get assigned to students throughout grade school, Google is their number one go to search engine for all things research related. Google provides the entire world with millions of links to click on to read information that may not always be accurate. As educators, we do not want our students to rely on websites that teach them false information, nor do we want our students to believe everything they read on the internet even though it may look professionally written. While developing one of my lesson plans I came across a website called Science Journal for Kids and Tees. It is a website that provides articles written by actual researchers, about science topics for students in grade school. I personally found this to be a great tool! Students get assigned so many research projects especially in science where they need to search the web for information on their own time in order to develop a mini presentation such as a poster board or short essay. This website provides students with articles that are peer reviewed and even videos. The website is kid friendly and easy to navigate!

Here is the link for the website:

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