Saturday, December 5, 2020


 Storybird is an online social platform for storytelling. Students act as authors, pairing their words with site-curated. Students can compose text, but they can't upload their own art. They must use Storybird's curated collection in their picture books and illustrated poems. Storybird is a unique language arts tool. They use illustrations to inspire students to write stories , and our standards-based writing curriculum engages students with age-appropriate video tutorials, writing challenges, quizzes, and more. Storybird has a free seven day trial then individual accounts start at $8.99/month or $59.88/year. The teachers can sign up and account and let their students use their account, so they don’t have to pay. 

A question asked frequently is how to use the Storybird? First go to the website and then click the “Sign In” button. After clicking that, sign in with your username (First name, 5 digit number), a password (First name, different 4 digit number), and then press the “Sign In” button on the bottom left hand corner. Next click the “Create” button and choose either a piece of artwork or a theme to start. When you decide on one, click the one you choose and click “Use this Art” button. Select “Longform Book”, “Picture Book”, or “Poem Book” and then click and begin writing your story in the blank space to the left of the artwork. If you wanted to add or delete a new page, click the “+” (add) or “-” (delete) at the bottom right corner. Click and Drag a picture from the gallery onto the new canvas, drop the photo on either the left or right side to leave room for the text, and click on the canvas white area to continue writing the story. If you want to publish the artwork, click the “Menu” button, “Publish or form Your Stuff” button, and gear icon. Before publishing, verify cover (opportunity to change), verify title (opportunity to change), and write a Summary (click in box - summarize story so others will want to read it). Choose 2 categories (tags are optional), written for (click on age level), privacy (always Private), and finally click the “Publish” button. If you don’t want to publish the artwork, just click the save button. 

Storybird Fundraisers promote literacy and creativity without wasting valuable classroom time. Students can write art-inspired books and poetry based on their school curriculum. Teachers can activate a private online shop for parents with one click. After signing up or logging in with teacher-provided credentials, students can read published stories or create their own. They can repost favorite stories to their own Storybird account feeds, "heart" stories they like, and comment on them. Writing makes for better readers and improves comprehension and critical thinking. Teachers must learn how to create a classroom environment that is conducive to writing and supports effective writing instruction for all learners, including struggling writers and English Language Learners. Using Storybird, helps improve on students writing and reading skills in a fun creative way. 

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