Wednesday, November 1, 2017


Zoom is a website that can be used for video chatting one person or a whole group of people. This could be used if a student can not make it to class but still wants to be there. The teacher and student could set up a chat and then the student could watch and listen to the lesson from their computer at home. My math professor did this when a student was sick but she still wanted to get the information from class. Also, we used this last week in my science class instead of coming to class. Our class had all joined the professor's video chat and we went over questions for our midterm and other items from class as well. When teaching, this could be useful if you could not be in class but your students still needed help. The substitute teacher could pull up zoom on an overhead and then you could still communicate and help your students. Many classrooms that do online sessions could use this website as well. 

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