Wednesday, November 15, 2017


Starfall is a great website for children to utilize when wanting to learn how to read. Its bright colors, seasoning characters, and creative music grab to children’s attention which in turn makes it enjoyable and an active course for the students to learn. This website has four different courses catered to the users learning abilities. First it starts off the users with the basics, the ABC’s. This allows the students to get comfortable with their reading abilities before going on to full on sentences and paragraphs. Secondly, they move the kids on to “Learn to read” which gives the children in depth activity that promote reading abilities. In between each process they reward the students with games and trophy’s, this allows for a positive mindset of the students to continue on the course. After the “Learn to read” is all finished, the students are moved on to a more challenging, but deeply rewarding session called “its fun to read”. Their reward is the last session labeled “I am reading”, these positive statements keep the users feeling accomplished and worthy. The course does need payments in order to join, but a fair amount for the way the website is designed to encourage kids to grow.

Image result for starfall

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