Sunday, November 12, 2017

Time for Kids

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Time for Kids is an edition of Times Magazine created specifically for children. When a student launches the website, he or she is prompted to choose their "edition" or grade level. Options are: K-1, 2, 3-4, 5-6. Once an option is chosen, articles are provided for the student based on their edition selection. Time for Kids has many news sections, such as United States, World, Technology, Science, Health and Fitness, and Opinion among a few more. This website is a great way for younger students to read about the news. The language of the articles are adapted to fit the edition level that is chosen. One of the coolest features of the website is that it highlights words that may be confusing to children in the reading in orange. When you mouse over the word, it provides the definition. One is also able to change the reading level from 570L to 740L to 900L if needed, within each edition level. There is also a subscription option available for teachers. This website is amazing and I wish I knew about it when I was younger!

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