Saturday, November 25, 2017

Remind 101

Remind 101 is an app that allows teachers to connect and communicate with students, parents, or peers. It gives educators the ability to make sure that anything important they need students or parents to know, they actually receive and read it. Since we live in a world where peoples noses are stuck in their phones, we can use that to our advantage when it comes to reminding students of important things coming up. This is better than emailing since not many people open or work with their emails anymore since there are so many easier ways to communicate with the world around us. Remind 101 allows teachers and students (or parents) to send text messages without getting either phone number. It goes through the app/system as a name or code that is connected to the classroom. This keeps privacy and communication/connection high. Teachers can make an account and classroom through the website and send a code that comes with creating a classroom to the students/people they want joining their classroom. You don't need a smartphone to do this. You don't need to download the app either. You need a phone or a laptop which makes it easy for those that don't have smartphones yet.


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