Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Quizizz is an online resource similar to Kahoot. With Quizizz, teachers are able to create their own quizzes, or browse through and use quizzes made by their peers.  A "live" game can be played in class where students are required to have an electronic device to go to and enter the game pin. Once the teacher begins the game, students have a minute to answer the question by choosing the color on their electronic device that corresponds with the answer on the screen. After each answer, every student is given a funny meme based on if they got the answer right or wrong. Once the game is completed, the teacher is given student and class level reports to help understand where students need extra help. This website is helpful because it tests students knowledge, but is also entertaining because of the memes it provides. I took a quiz before writing this, and the memes are actually funny. I believe students would love this resource.

Image result for quizizz

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