Wednesday, November 8, 2017


This is an app that will help you understand exactly what is bothering you. Its a way to help you get to the root of what it is that makes you moody. Moods are affected by many things people look over and might not consider as an issue or something that will effect your mood / health - mental health. You have apps that help you lose weight (like map my fitness). You have apps that help you with relaxing (like Calm). Eating healthier is a life style and it isn't just about losing weight. Confidence, healthier options, Calming, relationships (friendship or intimate), self-worth / self esteem, money, work, school and many more things that all connect and effect our daily moods towards everything we do and everyone we interact with. The app sends you reminders to do at least 1 - 3 different things throughout your day that will help.

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