Friday, November 6, 2020

TL by Extramarks

     TL by Extramarks is a free app that allows direct communication between parents and teachers. TL stands for Total Learning and this app does just what it claims to. Once parents sign into TL, they are brought to the home page, which I’ve included a picture of below. On the homepage, it lists the student's name, the teacher's name, and the class phone number. It also shows what homework was assigned to the students and any letters or reminders from the teacher, which is in clear categories so you can check accordingly. It also shows you what assignments are turned in, graded, or missing. This eliminates the back and forth between teachers and parents about why things aren’t graded yet, or what was assigned. On TL you can also include multiple classes which is helpful if you have a high school student. This app is designed especially for parents to connect with teachers, but it could also be used by students who want to keep track of their assignments and due dates. What makes this app different from similar apps, such as Google Classroom, is the fact that it has a study feature. This allows students to study certain materials and is especially helpful if they are not confident in a specific unit. TL is completely teacher controlled, meaning that teachers have to create their class and a login for parents, so parents can’t just use it for whatever class they want, the must go through the teacher. This app is great because it helps connect the parents and teachers in an easy way.

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