Sunday, November 8, 2020


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Remind is a website/app that acts as a messaging system for teachers to text their students or the parents of their students one on one without having to give out their actual phone number. Remind is great to give out mass group texts that don't require an individual message. If teachers need to send out any updates regarding the class they can send out a group text to their students or the parents of their students and provide them with the additional information that they would need to know. You can use Remind with any age group or grade. This is available for students K-12 and also some high school professors happen to use Remind as well. Remind is also great for the environment. Teachers and other educators tend to use a lot of paper for very simple things such as classroom updates, individual messages for students, and any news regarding the school or the classroom. With Remind, people won't have to use as much paper that they have used before and they can also guarantee that the student or parent did receive their message since students can misplace or lose the worksheets that may have been provided to them from their teachers. Remind is free but if you would like to use any additional features other than what they already provide you with than you will be charged additional fee's. Overall Remind is a great service that can come in handy for last minute updates so that any educator does not have to stress out about getting their message to their students or their parents. 

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