Sunday, November 8, 2020

Google Arts and Culture

 Hi Guys so I'm going to be sharing Google Arts and Culture. This website is basically just a google image search but it has the benefit of only being curated sources like statues, art pieces, professional photography etc.  There also a lot of cool VR activities linked in the website. I really like websites like these because I think having access to things that are widely available and easy to retrieve is valuable.

The Home page (above) has some featured pieces, and a search feature. When you search any particular topic you get Links to Collections from Museums, a 3-D walk through of  certain Museums, Stories , and then a lot of Miscellaneous Images relating to your topic. There's also an app which uses VR to display some artifacts like Neil Armstrong Space Suit (Link 3). 

These Stories above also are made with Soundbites and mimic the experience of going to a Museum and although not a complete substitute for an in person experience in regards to distance learning it can still be valuable in its own right, like making students fund a story/exhibit they like and share it with the class through some sort of class blog, or showing students how to find good primary sources as the sources in stories are already curated. For example Link 2 "Iconic Moments From Black History With Misan Harriman" features a variety of images as well as a narration from Misan Harriman explaining the pictures and giving them context, this also features images from protest and strong artistic photos relating to Civil Rights and would be a great activity for Social Studies as I imagine going to art exhibits in person is a hassle, and many popular Museums like the DIA have a plethora of stories and their collection online.
There is also light hearted activities like Visual Crossword Experiment where you just sort art based, on color, when it was made, who made it etc. And even though you can brute force the activity its still just a genuinely pleasant experience and a fun way to kill time (link 4). (Home Page) (Civil Rights story) (Neil Armstrong Suit)  (Visual Crossword)

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