Saturday, November 7, 2020


                            Edmodo: A Teaching Tool for College Readiness – The Paw Print

Today I'll be taking a look at the technological app known as Edmodo. Edmodo is an educational and technology based networking tool used by teachers in order to communicate and collaborate with their students between the grades of kindergarten and 12th grade.  Edmodo is not only an alternative way of communicating with fellow classmates as well as teachers, but it also allows teachers to share class lessons, assignments, and exams in one place for a given group of students. Edmodo also allows teachers to utilize the function of discussion boards which enhance the communication between students while monitoring them in an organized manner. Students now-a-days are familiar with discussion based post since going virtual, which is why edmodo is a prime technological tool to used because of the high levels of familiarity among students. Bringing in that idea of familiarity, Edmodo models particular apps such as Facebook and Twitter in the way users are able to post and communicate with one another through sharing, liking, and commenting on posts.

    In terms of applying this application in my classroom, I would make a lot of my assignments discussion based so students are commenting on their peers simultaneously, attempting to mimic a live discussion as much as possible. This comfortableness that students have with application like these makes it easier for them to participate in classroom activities, which is very important to a students success.  This application will also be used in my classroom as a problem solving board.  So if students have problems with certain questions or assignments, I would want them to try and work it out with their peers first then ask me if they were unable to do it.  This mechanism will help students build their collaboration and communication skills. 


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