Sunday, March 5, 2017


     The STEM resource that I decided to blog about is called "". It's an online resource dedicated to engaging underrepresented minorities in learning computer science. It has resources for students, teachers and anyone who wants to continue their knowledge in the computer sciences. For students in particular, they can either take free online courses or meet-up with local students in the area to take classes. In the Detroit area alone there was nine available meetings. For students that wanted a more online approach there were many resources available through the Internet as well.
     Being an aspiring secondary education teacher, I looked for high school and middle school teaching possibilities. As far as implementing this resource in the classroom, there are 2 years (2 semesters) available for teachers to include in their curriculum as they please. The first semester's curriculum is called, "Computer Science Discoveries" which is intended for 7th to 9th graders and is designed as a beginner's course in code.  They have a bunch of interactive videos and lesson plans laid out on a week-to-week basis. Also, they have a lot of professional development opportunities for teachers to become more familiar with code in order to be able to make the coding material being taught more relevant and approachable for students. They also offer a second semester course intended for advanced placement and older  high school students called, "Computer Science Principals", which has a similar layout with lesson plans, professional development resources, etc...

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