Sunday, October 2, 2016

Technophobic Teachers

       Using technology in the classroom setting at any given age is something that comes easier to 

some teachers than others. There is a certain aspect that comes with introducing technology based 

education in the classroom that involves an ability to understand the complete backbone of the 

investment. Without the properly educated use of the technology, the ability to infer that we are 

capable of advancing our teaching methods, is frankly inept. 

       The process of incorporating different and essential ways of teaching is not a method that every 

teacher prefers, some of them would rather have a No.2 pencil in every lecture, margined and lined 

paper, and required material in excess for the period of the class. Many of the educators that are still 

inclined to use their native methodology are either "stuck" in their ways or even lazy.
       In addition to the fear of using technology in classrooms, many teachers are afraid that they will 

lose the ability to show newer generations skills that were once required for students. The ability to 

write in cursive was once a very important aspect in the school system, now we can write signatures 

on an electronic screen with just a scribble of a finger. In this mindset, teachers may have a certain 

setback with some of the ages of educators, the more likely to be "technophobic" are those who 

generally are about to retire or grew up without any type of electronic "gear."

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