Sunday, October 2, 2016

Nicole Lane- EDT 211- Technology Teaching Strategies 10/2/16

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Nicole Lane 10/2/16

                      Technology Teaching Strategies used to Engage Students:

According to the five best teaching strategies using technology are..
1.       Using multimedia
2.       Utilization of social media
3.       Use a variety of resources
4.       Making most of games online
5.       Use technology to empower students to reach out and become engaged.

   After reading why this list benefits teachers Id have to say I agree. Multimedia “stimulates the mind, in ways in class work cannot,  and educators hold students attention longer”. I think educators would gain more feedback online, because the student has more time to deeply think about what they want to write down on the screen. The students can edit their words to make it sound however they want, just as I am doing right now. I feel sometimes my words/answers in class do not come out how I want them to, being online I can clearly state my point on a deeper level, it gets into my head more when I’m typing and searching online, its like you’re in a zone of yourself. Social media is a great tool to use, everyone and their mother uses social media, so bringing social media to the classroom where everyone knows how to work It, will allow the students to “collaborate new ideas” and have fun with what they know. Using a variety of resources means to not just “use books” allow the students to visit blogs, videos, podcasts, and other learning sources online to gain knowledge from other sources. Using games online in the classroom is rated one of the best ways to engage your students, I’d agree with that, the excitement in classrooms when playing online games really allows students to have fun and actually forget that they are learning important information. I recall playing online games like “Kahoot” in my college course, and for a moment I stopped watching the clock to see how much longer this class will take. Using technology to empower kids to reach out is personally my number one. Like I said above online communication allows students to think deeper, and to “have a voice”. Not everyone learns through verbal written communication so they’ve allowed students to become more artistic with “modern technology based art forms”. Teachers can use some sort of technology teaching style for any type of learner, whether it be artistic, or introvert learners.
  As you read this, think of the ways you the future teacher will use technology in your teachings, as for me, I'll be using all of them.

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