Monday, October 3, 2016

Radix SmartClass: Smart Way to Have a Rad Class

   Have you ever had a teacher who handed out tablets to the students for the purpose of incorporating technology in the classroom, but all the students got distracted instead of more focused? If so, Radix SmartClass is for you! If not, well....Radix SmartClass is still for you!

   Radix SmartClass is a software designed to enhance the entire learning experience from teaching to student participation to classroom management. The following is a list containing a few of the great features found in the Radix SmartClass software:

  1. The teacher has the option to broadcast his/her tablet screen to the students' screens. What could be a better way to keep everyone on the same page, literally? 
  2. The teacher can view each student's screen from his/her own tablet. This is a great way to track each student's progress during class, and it discourages students from misusing their tablets. 
  3. The teacher can lock the students' screens and internet usage, which helps ensure all students are paying attention to the lesson. 
  4. The teacher and students can share files with each other. 
  5. SmartClass also provides an option for students to "raise their hands", and the teacher can view these raised hands on his/her screen. 
  6. More features of the Radix SmartClass software are described here
Teacher locked students' screens. 

Teacher sharing screen with students.

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