Thursday, October 13, 2016

Flipped Classroom

A Flipped Classroom is essentially a class where you do your learning at home, and your homework at school. When I was in high school, I took a flipped pre-calculus class where every night we would go home and watch a Youtube video on the lesson. In order for my teacher to know we actually watched the video, we got note sheets that we were to fill out and he would come by and check them off at the beginning of each period. When we came in to school the next day we would do our homework, or classwork rather, in class based off of what we learned the prior night. Having a Flipped class leaves the entire class period for questions if you did not understand the content, or if you need help from the teacher. Below is a an example of my class that I was in. I like these type of classroom as opposed to a traditional class because of the aspect that you have an entire class period to do your work and get whatever help you needed. Below is an example of my flipped classroom from high school.

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